Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Using Trevor Bond's Questioning Model to Teach Questioning Skills

After a cluster workshop by Trevor Bond about questioning. I visited his website and re created his model to use with my Year 5/6 students.
The model requires the students to have knowledge of the Seven Servants using 7 levels of questioning. The levels are not ranked rather students are taught to use the most suitable question to gather relevant infomation required.
e.g. a level 3 question is just as effective as a level 7 question.

In order to teach the students, they needed to have an understanding of the jargon, e.g. contextual words/phrases/seven servants etc. Each child has a copy of the model in their Newsboard book and one is on permanent display in the classroom for frequent reference to.

The language was taught explicitly.

Using Harry Hood's Newsboard actitivity daily the students initially asked a range of questions relating to the topic. I then typed up each question onto a grid which was printed out. The students in pairs would then rate each question. As a class we then used the same questions enlarged. We would then discuss each using the language of questioning. This activitiy is repeated 2x per week and over the last 6 weeks and the understanding of questioning has developed as part of the children's psyche. They can tell me the difference between the level of questioning with confidence.

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